Day 16: Bicycling Across America – Circle, MT

View from US200. This is the road I’m following all the way into North Dakota

Mostly gentle headwind today which built up through the day to about 15-20mph. Circle is the next town east from Jordan, MT. There aren’t really that many towns in this part of the world. There are about 20 cows per person and less than 1 person per square mile. It wasn’t always like this and many of the folks here regret the passing of the life they knew as children.

Trying to escape the highway lawnmower
View from Highway 200. You might not notice the landscape from a car traveling 70mph.
Deep gully on side of Highway 200. You could trace how an ancient river meandered down and cut this channel.

The ride itself though was constantly hilly but beautiful. It looked much flatter on the digital elevation profile but I guess that’s always the case.

Prairie Rattlesnake. You see all kinds of animals on the road traveling at 12mph, alive and dead.

About Circle, the people here are super friendly and people have been going out of their way to chat and offer help.

George McCone was a snappy dresser
Dinosaurs at the county museum. I’m picturing a Mt Vesuvius like event.

My camp site is nice and overlooks a small river. It’s very informal at the campground, like no other campground I’ve been to. It’s very chill and non pretentious.


Note to get some snacks and ice cream.