Day 17: Bicycling Across America – Glendive, MT

Locomotive in Glendive, MT

“The wind shows us how close to the edge we are.” – Joan Didion

The ride today started with a crazy headwind combined with a gradual 1000’ climb. The wind was howling, wires were making that futuristic humming whining sound, the birds were staying low in the bushes so as not to be blown away, the howling wind noise was driving me crazy, and my shirt was flapping and snapping like a Trump flag flying from a beat up pickup truck. Today was one of those days that tests and builds character. At the 5 mile mark, I was considering turning around, going back to where I started with my tail between my legs, and taking the day off. After a candy bar and a “man-up you baby” speech I pushed on.

Grain elevator near Lindsay, MT
Lindsay, MT
The train of grain hauler cars were separated where roads cross the railroad tracks.

On the way, there were literally 20 miles of Grain hauler rail cars parked on tracks next to the highway I was on.

Along with the 20 miles of train cars, there was 20 miles of graffiti. No explanation as to the story behind uncle Susan.
I feel like this sometimes too, like today.

Anyhow, finally made it to Glendive which is the next town east of Circle, phew!!!! It turns out that the campground that was listed in the Adventure Cycling Association guide doesn’t actually accept tents…. but I did find a $65 motel room that doesn’t smell woohoo 😊

Tomorrow the wind shifts to the West, yay!!!!