Day 19: Bicycling Across America – Bismarck, ND

I was told that as I get closer to Minnesota, t’s going to get flatter and flatter. It was true. Today was slow, easy, rolling hills with tailwinds most of the way through green grassy meadowlands. It’s unusual for this area to get this much rain this time of year.

Thunderstorms missing me to the south

I spent the day trying to outrun thunderstorms, and fortunately they all past either north or south of me. I did not want to be caught in a hailstorm. There just aren’t that many places to hide. I made it to Bismarck and was able to find a bicycle computer after calling every shop in town so now I’m back in business. Using my phone for navigation throughout the day, nearly drained it and that’s just not sustainable when you’re staying in campgrounds and power is uncertain.

Stopping at the zoo made me profoundly sad. i’ve seen most of the North American animals in the wild and somehow confining them to little confined spaces felt totally cruel. If you’ve ever seen a pack of wolves or coyotes in the wild yipping and playing with each other at sunset, watched a grizzly bear ripping apart a log for grubs, or even see just a porcupine high in a tree top contentedly gnawing on bark, you’ll know what I mean. Watching many of these animals repetitively pacing their little prisons made me tear up as it does now just thinking about it. I’m not sure I can ever go to another zoo.

My favorite ”exhibit” at the zoo was this wild 13 lined spotted squirrel, which was running around foraging for food.

The city of Bismarck, runs a nice campground here and that’s where I’m staying. Mint Klondike bars were only $1.50.

Tent site in General Sibley Park run by the city of Bismarck North Dakota.