Day 21: Bicycling Across America – Enderlin, ND

Tastee- Freez in Gackle, ND

Oh how I miss a good nights sleep. I thought I was all set last night since I had the campground all to myself. It turned out the dirt road next to the campground was a main thoroughfare for off-road vehicles and they would gun their engines to get up the hill. There was a constant stream of traffic until it got dark and those folks went home. That’s when the fireworks started from people’s backyards and it continued until at least midnight. Then at 3 o’clock in the morning, I was woken by the patter of rain on the tent so I had to run outside and collect the clothes I had drying out on the line. All told, not much sleep last night.

The brown spots are from a neighbor who accidentally sprayed too much weed killer when watering the campground as a favor and killed all the grass. I didn’t put my tent there.

Today, the road ran almost straight east without the hoped for Western tailwind. A light rain accompanied me all day, which kept things cool and enabled me to make decent progress.

More lakes and gently rolling roads (and mosquitoes)
More lakes (and more mosquitoes)

The landscape is getting even prettier with more and more lakes, and with so many waterfowl that we don’t see out East. Today, I stopped early at 74 miles and am staying at the Enderlin Inn. This has given me time to do a bunch of bike maintenance, dry out me and my great, clean up the bike and myself, and try to get a good nights sleep (if the backyard fireworks ever stop) . Crossing my fingers.

Hmmm… I thought I passed over the Continental Divide a thousand miles ago. Apparently this is the Laurentian divide which divides water flowing north toward the Hudson Bay and water flowing south to the Gulf of Mexico.
Backyard fireworks in Enderlin, North Dakota