Day 23: Bicycling Across America – Bowlus,MN

So many lakes in Minnesota. This is the view from the bike path

95 miles exclusively on bike trail! There is an extensive real trail system on the western border of Minnesota and there are a lot of people using it.

Camping in the town park in Dalton

It was also interesting to see how many older folks were on e-bikes pedaling with their families on human powered bikes. such a relaxing great day out of traffic and meeting friendly people who love biking.

Purple Heart Memorial
Maker’s Market along the bike trail

Folks were super friendly. I met one 73 year old gentleman named Roger and chatted about biking with him for about 20 miles.

Little bits of inspiration all along the bike path
Benches, kiosks, repair stations, and shops every few miles
M60 tank, the kids were all over this
Covered Bridge
Some crazy sculpture garden acting out local history
Jodie of Jodie’s Trailside Cafe in Bowlus, MN
Ready for polka the next day
Fresh and clean

I ended up camping in the City Park in Bowlus, MN. They had set the park up for their 4th of July weekend celebration which involved a lot of fried foods and polka. On the plus side there were probably 20 completely fresh porta potties to choose from in addition to the normal rest room. A good day on the road!