Day 25: Bicycling Across America – Birchwood, WI

St Croix River at Taylor’s Falls, MN

I was afraid to get out of the tent this morning. Last night, the mosquito hordes had found every spot that I had not applied my small stash of 100% DEET. So… I got a bit of a late start. I stopped in Taylor’s Falls because I saw there was a cafe there.

Mandy at Coffee Talks in Taylor’s Falls, MN

This was a real cafe where I was able to get a chai latte with soy and some peppermint tea. They were playing the Ingrid Michealson songs we listened to at our wedding and folks were asking me about my hometown and what made life there and in New England so special. There is nothing like traveling across the country in slow motion to give you perspective. Wow, I got so homesick missing Vanessa and home, I could hardly talk and I carried this feeling the rest of the day.

Crossed into Wisconsin

Anyhow, crossed out of Minnesota across the St Croix River and into Wisconsin.

Ice Age Trail in Wisconsin. This was a mixture of paved and packed gravel.
Wisconsin tribute to mosquitoes.
Another picturesque farm. I saw my first river otters here (a mom and two pups) cross the road, from one pond to another, and then play and swim in the shallows.
A lot of old vehicles
Corn snake shaking its tail at me on the bike path trying to look scary.
Wheat field

Wisconsin is lovely, picturesque and becoming quite bumpy. Good training for New England. Anyhow, a couple more days in Wisconsin, across Michigan, and then I’m almost home.

9 thoughts on “Day 25: Bicycling Across America – Birchwood, WI

  1. You’re making me sentimental for Wisconsin! Mosquitos are the state bird, but ignore that part & it’s heaven in the summer!

  2. Gorgeous pictures!!!! You’ll be home soon enough – enjoy! And know that I love you and am so proud of you!

  3. Hi Charlie, love reading your posts! Thank you! Will you be coming through upstate NY?

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