Day 32: Bicycling Across America – Eastport, MI

View of Lake Michigan from the bike trail.

I’ve been looking forward to this stay for a while. The tour today followed the northwest Coast Lower Peninsula along Lake Michigan. The first part followed a road locally known as the Tunnel of Trees.

Tunnel of Trees

This is many miles of narrow windy country Road with a canopy of trees and little traffic.

Only ignore these signs if you’re willing to drag your bike through a swamp.

There was a bridge out at one point where I had to carry my bike down an embankment, through the woods,, and wade across the stream, then up a steep embankment on the other side. Just another day on the trail.

One of the great things about long-distance cycling is that you can eat as much ice cream as you can find.

Most of the rest of the day was bike trails, and ice cream, and swimming in Lake Michigan when it got hot.

Good beach spot to swim, to cool down, and to do laundry all at the same time.

Tonight, I’m in a nice campground in Eastport, Michigan, and met my first fellow bike tourer since North Dakota, Frank and he’s a great guy.

Frank is doing a bicycle tour completely around Lake Michigan. He is one of the nicest guys on two wheels.
Monument to the world’s largest cherry pie.
Another campsite and another tough night sleep.My neighbors ended up coming to camp around midnight and then strobed my tent with their flashlights over and over again …. then the rain and thunder started.