Day 35: Bicycling Across America – China, MI

Michigan roads

Well, darkness has a hunger that’s insatiable
And lightness has a call that’s hard to hear

– Closer to Fine, Indigo Girls

Michigan has some terrible roads. I spoke with some of the locals, and they said that their county is notorious for how bad the roads are. Many of the side roads are either dirt or broken up pavement with patches on patches on patches. It was slow going for about a third of the roads today, and sometimes it was faster just to go through the gravel and other junk on the side of the road than to stay on the “pavement”. It took me a while to stop feeling sorry for myself, as I was crawling along and getting beaten up, and pull out a map to take charge of my ride again and get back onto good pavement. Darkness has a hunger that’s insatiable but in bicycling, as in life, you have the power to change the course of your ride.

Fields of corn, soybeans, and sugar beets, dominate the farms in this area.

On the positive side there was some nice bike trail for about 20 miles so that was lovely and I wasn’t getting beat up the whole day.

About 20 miles of quiet bike path today

Tonight, it’s stealth camping.