Day 37: Bicycling Across America – Port Dover, Ontario

You’ll see signs for curling in most medium and larger size towns

And Home
Sings me of sweet things
My life there has it’s own wings
To fly over the mountains
Though I’m standing still

– Home, Karla Bonoff

The current plan is to meet Vanessa and her cousin Liane near Cooperstown NY next weekend. This requires me to start slowing down or possibly take a zero or two, so that’s what I’m doing. I stopped early in Port Dover and hung out at the beach and ate ice cream like a regular person today after only 72 miles, La Dolce Vita. Like most things these days, though, it made me even more homesick for the smell of salt and the sea and of our home on the North Shore of Massachusetts.

Yes, lots more gravel roads. Damn you Google Maps!
Port Rowan. Finally got to see Lake Erie after a day and a half of riding
Canadians have a thing for beavers.
This is what bicycles look like after you ride them on Michigan Roads
Beach at Port Dover full of happy people and seagulls stealing M&Ms
Port Dover Light
Sunset in Port Dover from the main pier

3 thoughts on “Day 37: Bicycling Across America – Port Dover, Ontario

  1. I LOVE yosur blog postings. They so amazingly capture this country and your experience. I’ll actual miss reading your blog once you come home!!

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