Day 38: Bicycling Across America – Buffalo, NY

View from the northern shore of Lake Michigan

Today’s ride followed the Lake Erie shoreline nearly the entire day. Just beautiful! This was by far the prettiest section of ride through Ontario. I spent a good deal of time chatting with other folks about adventuring. Hopefully their wanting will turn into doing! Towards the end of the day, I crossed the Peace Bridge and into Buffalo, NY, yay!!!! I’m back in the northeast again and can almost smell that salt water.

Unlike on most of this coastal ride, this section spends a good amount of time actually right next to the water.
Lake Erie Beaches
View of the Peace Bridge from the Canadian side. The hardest part of the ride today was figuring out how to get over the bridge. There was some construction so the detour when all over the place and I spent a good half hour figuring this out.
Back in the US!