Day 4: Bicycling Across America – Umatilla, WA

OK, maybe stealth camping near a train crossing was probably not the best idea. At least once an hour throughout the night, a huge freight train would slow down, let loose their screeching horn just to make sure I was awake. On the positive side, I woke up tired, but my legs weren’t sore anymore. Today looked to be flat mostly, with a bit of a tailwind. It should be a good day in the saddle.

I called the campground that I was hoping to stay at from Umatilla. I got the previous owner who said the campground had been shut down. Gosh, darn it. It looked like another stealth camping adventure. This time I pulled over to the side of the highway US730 about 10 miles out and tried to hide my tent behind some low sagebrush bushes.  No warm showers, but it was good enough. Sometimes good enough is the best you can do. Overall, a good day at 115 miles.

I found myself singing “This Land is Your Land” for at least an hour
Barges being pushed up the Columbia
Tasty grilled cheese though
Tunnel in Umatilla OR