Day 47: Bicycling Across America – Lake Massasecum, NH

Barn in Vermont

Today was hills day and the one I had been apprehensive about for the last few weeks. I had visions of long steep twisty climbs through the mountain passes like in the Middlebury and Appalachian Gaps. These never happened. Sure, there were climbs but these were mostly pretty manageable in my low gears and definitely easier than going through the Rockies. In some cases, there were some very steep sections well over 10% but these were generally short and you could tough them out. It turns out you can listen to your fears but you can’t let them boss you around.

Many of the roads in Vermont follow streams. You can tell when you have passed the halfway point in Vermont when you start to follow the water flow instead of riding against it.
Crossing into New Hampshire. This would have been a better picture if not for the sticker on the bottom of the sign.
Downstream of a dam on the Sugar River in West Claremont, NH
The Dam on the Sugar River in West Claremont, NH.
Real gravel on the rail trail through Claremont. I decided to detour onto the road instead.
Home for the evening. $50/night for a tent site, yikes!!!!!!
Mike from the camp store gave me a free Nutty Buddy!
Wise advice wherever you go.