Day 6: Bicycling Across America – Lewiston ID

50 miles of climbing with a headwind, Yikes! Today was hard. The 12 mile descent down the backside of the Alpowa summit was fast and sometimes harrowing with the traffic wizzing by my left. I expected at any time that sticky noodle plugging the hole in my front wheel to pop out and cause me to flip over the guardrails. The bike held together though, nothing flew off, and overall had a fun day.

Hey, I made it to Idaho! I celebrated by getting an inexpensive Airbnb with Theresa as a super nice host, a warm shower, and a quiet comfortable bed.

75 miles

Darn it, just this
During WW2, Green Giant, employed migrant workers, German POWs, and interned Japanese-Americans in their vegetable processing plants.
Taking a break at the Alpowa Summit
I was so excited when I saw this from the side……
The saddest thing I’ve seen today
Hey, I made it to Idaho!