Day 7: Bicycling Across America – Kooskia, ID

Clearwater River in Idaho

I didn’t get much sleep last night. Between all the in-town catch up and struggling with a Verizon data plan issue, I only got about 5 hours. Can’t be doing that! Sleep is what your body needs to recover for the next day and I paid for it today.

Lewiston ID is right next to Clarkston WA and there are Lewis and Clark themed plaques everywhere for the next couple hundred miles. My road follows their path here where I abandon the Snake River and start following the beautiful Clearwater.

It will be about 220 miles to get to Lolo MT and I’ll be heading right into the heart of the Rocky Mountains. Today, though, it was a nice gentle climb following the banks of the Clearwater. If only there weren’t the headwinds and the heat. Lots of lessons for tomorrow.

Quiet road away from the highway. This was the exception

Tonight, I’m camping at the Kooskia City Park. There’s some flat spots next to the grandstand that the sprinklers don’t touch and where the little ones are currently playing t-ball. It’s absolutely hilarious watching the semi chaos! Kids running around in every direction. I hope they don’t play too late though. I need to set up my tent and clean up.

T-ball in Kooskia ID