Day 9: Bicycling Across America – Turah, MT

On the Continental Divide: A few feet westward, the raindrops eventually make it to the Pacific Ocean and a few feet eastward, they trickle their way to the Atlantic

Today was a lot of climbing and I used all my gears. After about a 25 mi gentle climb, the grade went straight up… for miles…. and it was getting hotter. No nice cool river to cool off in, just me, my two water bottles, and a pocketful of candy bars. The reward was crossing over the Continental Divide and into Montana, woohoo! At Lolo Pass, I met only my second and third bicycle tourists, Jake and Adam. Very nice folks. It would have been nice to spend a few days with them but after I passed them in a tuck on the subsequent steep 12 mile downhill, I never saw them again.

My drive system had been making noise so I decided to check its chain stretch: 7.5% yikes!!!!! The chain was only a little over a week and a half old and it was completely worn out. That explained the noise though. Fortunately, in Missoula, the Bicycle Hanger Bike shop took care of me and sold me a new chain. Yay!!! This was only the first bicycle shop I’d seen in about 300 miles and they were great.

Lots of bike ways around Missoula

The next problem was finding a place to stay. Hotels were pretty much booked up in Missoula and the rooms that were available were $250+. Ouch! The local campgrounds were all booked up. I called the police and they said that there was no camping in the city parks. Warmshowers was coming up zilch. Damn, I was exhausted! I wanted Missoula but Missoula didn’t want me. Nothing to it. I found a campground 14 miles out of town with open spaces, filled myself with pizza and sugary drinks, and was on my way. Grand total today: 89 miles.

Warm shower and a shave!